Cloud Pub/Sub
- Global scale messaging buffer/coupler
- No-ops
- Decouples senders and receivers
- Equivalent to Kafka
- At-least-once delivery
Pub/Sub Core Concepts
- Topic: A named resource to which messages are sent by publishers
- Subscription: A named resource representing the stream of messages from a single, specific topic, to be delivered to the subscribing application.
- Message: The combination of data and (optional) attributes that a publisher sends to a topic and is eventually delivered to subscribers.
- Message attribute: A key-value pair that a publisher can define
Pub/Sub Message flow

- Publisher sends messages to the topic
- Messages are stored in message store until they are delivered and acknowledged by subscribers
- Pub/Sub forwards messages from a topic to subscribers. messages can be pushed by Pub/Sub to subscriber or pulled by subscribers from Pub/Sub
- Subscriber receives pending messages from subscription and acknowledge to Pub/Sub
- After message is acknowledged by the subscriber, it is removed from the subscription’s queue of messages.
Basic flow of messages Message flow

Messages A, B are sent to the topic.
There are 2 subscriptions, Subscriber1 and Subscriber2 are subscribed to Subscription1 and each one got one message.
Subscriber3 is subscribed to Subscription2, and it got both message A and B
Message format
- Message data
- Ordering Key
- Attributes
Using Schema
- Avro
- Protocol Buffer
At Least Once delivery
Retention duration
Messages stored in PubSub
10 minutes -> 7 daysAck Deadline
Messages to be deleted if not be consumed
10 seconds (by default)Expiration period
Subscription to be deleted if no messages arrive
31 days be (by default)
Delivery mode
- Push = lower latency, more real-time
- Push subscribers must be Webhook endpoints that accept POST over HTTPS
- Pull ideal for large volume of messages - batch delivery
Seeking to a timestamp
- retain_acked_messages set to True
- messagesRetentionDuration
7 days by default
Seeking to a snapshot
define e snapshot, messages to replay are those who have not been consumed when creating of the
snapshot and the new ones.