
We can run virtual machines by using of Compute Engine

VPC Network

Virtual Private Cloud: it connects your GCP resources to each other and to the internet.

Google Cloud VPC networks are global, but the subnets are regional

In the example below, us-east1-b and us-east1-c are on the same subnet but in different zones

VPCs have routing tables, you can define firewall rules in terms of tags on compute engine.

VPC Peering: establish a peering relationship between projects
Shared VPC: you can use IAM to control

Cloud Load Balancing

Users get a single, global anycast IP address

Cloud CDN(Content Delivery Network)

Use Google’s globally distributed edge caches to cache content close to your users

Compute Engine

Create virtual machine by using of:

  • GCP Console
  • gcloud

You can run images of linux or windows servers.

You can configure memories and cpus of each VM, you can choose 2 kinds of storage: standard or SSD

You can choose a Preemptible VM to save money (the instance will terminate after 24 hours, it can be used for applications
distribute processes across multiple instances in a cluster or for test)

  • Scale up:
    use big VMs for memory and compute-intensive applications

  • Scale out:
    Use Autoscaling for resilient, scalable applications