Hive vs Presto


Presto is a distributed SQL query engine for big data, it allows users to query a variety of data sources such as Hadoop, RDBMS, Mongo etc. One can even query data from multiple data sources within a single query.


Hive is a data warehouse software built on top of Apache Hadoop for providing data query and analysis. It translates SQL queries into multiple stages of MapReduce and it is powerful enough to handle huge numbers of jobs


Tables Presto Hive
best of use Interactive queries Large data aggregation(join for example)
sql standardized fidelity ANSI SQL HiveQL
window function yes yes
optimized target latency query throughput
execution mode Intermediate data in memory Spills intermediate data to File System
fault tolerance No Yes
speed 2 times faster than hive slow
data processing models push model pull model
limitation limited at the maximum amount of memory that each task can store